4 Things Fathers Can Do To Raise Girls Up

4 Things Fathers Can Do To Raise Girls Up

As the father of a daughter, your role is different than what you first thought it was going to be. No father is ever ready to become the male figure in their daughter’s life. That may sound a bit far fetched, but it’s the truth. It’s difficult for a man to understand how a girl thinks. More importantly, it’s even more challenging to be the male role model that’s needed. There is a difference between difficult and impossible, and you’re about to learn it. The process in which you understand, what a girl needs is one every father must undertake. It happens not by choice, but as the result of the undying love, you have for your daughter. Nothing changes a man’s life than being the father of a daughter. Any man who has been blessed to have a daughter knows this from first-hand experience.

Sometimes in life, you just have to wing it. Every person goes through unchartered territory at some point in their life. The most crucial thing to remember about being the father of a daughter is that she’s going to base her relationships with other men on you. There is a big responsibility on your shoulders, but it’s not isolated to only you. Every man who has been given the gift of a daughter faces the same challenges as you. While the road may be unfamiliar to you, it’s been traveled by many before.

Make her a part of your life

For some fathers making their lives and that of their daughter’s life isn’t seamless. You may live very different lives for a variety of reasons. You need to make sure that she is included in your day to day activities. What does that mean? It means that you don’t push her away from things that you think are manly. Why not take your daughter fishing? She very well may enjoy spending some time in the great outdoors. Ask her to give you a hand while you’re changing the oil in your car. You don’t have to hand her a wrench to make her feel useful. Ask her to give you a rag or to do little chores.

What you’re trying to do here is make sure your daughter knows that she can do things associated with men. You don’t want her to feel as if something is out of reach due to her gender. There is no good reason why a girl can’t catch as many fish as a boy. By instilling this level of confidence in her, she’ll be more than likely to achieve bigger things as time goes on.

Always set the example by respecting women

How your daughter expects to be treated by men as she ages will be determined by how you interact with women. You should always treat the women in your life as you would want your daughter to be treated. There are situations where you may find yourself at odds with another woman or her mother. Everyone loses their cool, and it’s expected that you will at times as well. You’ve always got to have it in the back of your mind that your daughter is watching. She will remember how you act and think that all men are the same way.

The tone in which you talk with other women is vital. Sometimes you’ve got to bite your tongue when dealing with women in front of your daughter. If the truth were to be told, you’ll have to do it when dealing with men too. You don’t want to be seen as someone who flies off the handle at everything. There is a difference between being stern and an out of control lunatic. By keeping your emotions in check you’ll be the male example that she needs.

Be interested in the things that she enjoys

You don’t have to go overboard and pretend that you’re obsessed with everything in her life. Though, you do want to take a genuine interest in the things that she does. Sit down next to her and watch what she is on TV. Ask some questions about the characters when a commercial break comes on. You want to get to know what your daughter’s interests are. It’s when we connect with people on a personal level that their lives become more important to us. What you’re trying to achieve here is a bond between you and her that will last the test of time.

There’s no reason why you can’t go to the beauty parlor with your daughter. Why not? If she can go fishing with you, then you can go to the beauty parlor. You can get your hair cut or enjoy a manicure. You don’t have to get your nails painted or anything like that. There are all kinds of activities daughters and dads can do that are of interest to her. It’s essential she sees that you’re interested in who she is as a person. More than anything, that’s what all of this is trying to convince her of.

Express love above all things

The sight of your daughter’s smile alone should pull at your heartstrings. She is the most important female figure you’ve ever laid eyes on. You know that these words are true. Your life has never been the same since she was born. It’s a beautiful thing, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. Don’t allow it to become so. Enjoy every minute you two have together. There will come a day when she’s an adult and these precious moments won’t be here to enjoy.

The reality of fatherhood is one that can be quite difficult at times to accept. You’ve got to pretend to be Superman when you’re just a mere mortal. There is nothing at all wrong with failing and falling short of your desired outcome. There is something wrong with never trying to achieve greatness. The thing your daughter needs more than anything else is a man to show her what men are all about. A man who will be the example she holds all men to. Those are big shoes to fill, but her precious smile and unwavering love will be your guide.

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